Welcome to YGO101, where some rulings will be posted, but mostly it will have feature matches of locals that I go to.

Friday, January 21, 2011

BulletProof II Locals, January 21, 2011 Round 2

Justin (Zombies) Vs. Damien (Fabled)

Justin won the roll and will be going first.

Justin set one monster, followed by two cards to his spell and trap zone.

Damien activated Gold Sarcophagus, removing Morphing Jar from game. Then he summoned Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress in attack mode. Lyla activated her effect to target one of Justin’s spell and traps. Justin flipped Skill Drain; paying 1000 life points to negate her effect. Lyla attacked into Justin’s set Goblin Zombie. Zombie’s effect added Mezuki to his hand. Damien then set one spell or trap to end his turn. Justin flipped Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy Damien’s set Hand Destruction.

Justin set one monster, followed by another spell or trap to end his turn.

Damien set one monster, followed by one set card. Lyla then attacked into Justin’s set Pyramid Turtle. Its effect activated to special summon Ryu Kokki in attack mode from his deck.

Justin activated Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy Damien’s set My Body as a Shield. Mezuki was summoned. Ryu Kokki attacked into Lyla, and Mezuki attacked into Damien’s set NEcro Gardna.
Damien drew, and added Morphing Jar to his hand during his standby phase. Damien set one monster, followed by one set card to end his turn.

Justin activated Cold Wave. Mezuki attacked into Damien’s set Morphing Jar. (Damien thought that the Jar’s effect activated but was told that Skill Drain negates its effect.) Ryu Kokki attacked directly.

Damien set one monster to end his turn.

Mezuki attacked into Damien’s set Fabled Topi. Ryu Kokki made another direct attack. Justin then set one card to his spell and trap zone to end his turn.

Damien flipped his facedown Monster Reborn to special summon his Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress in attack mode. Then he normal summoned Glow-Up Bulb, and Justin flipped Book of Moon to turn Lyla facedown. Damien could only end his turn.

Justin activated his own Monster Reborn to special summon his Goblin Zombie in attack mode. Ryu Kokki attacked into Glow-Up Bulb, and Damien removed Necro Gardna to negate the attack. Mezuki attacked into Bulb, and Goblin Zombie attacked into Damien’s facedown Lyla. Justin ended his turn.
Damien drew and conceded the game.

Both players go into their side decks.

Damien will be starting the second game.

Damien sets one monster, followed by one set card to end his turn.

Justin set two cards to his spell and trap zone and one set monster to end his turn.

Damien flipped his Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter. Ryko’s effect activated, and Justin flipped Skill Drain; paying 1000 life points to negate its effect. Damien set one monster and ended his turn.

Justin flipped up his Pyramid Turtle. Turtle attacked into Ryko, and Damien sent Honest during the damage step to boost its attack. Turtle was destroyed and its effect was activated, and Damien flipped Divine Wrath; discarding Plaguespreader Zombie to negate Turtle’s activated effect. Justin then set one card to end his turn.
Damien switched his Ryko to defense mode, then flipped Sangan to attack mode. Sangan made a direct attack, then he set one card to end his turn.

Justin drew and ended.

Damien attacked directly with Sangan. Then he set one card to end his turn.

Justin activated Book of Life, targeting Damien’s Plaguespreader Zombie. Damien flipped his Solemn Judgment, and Justin flipped his own Solemn Judgment! Both players paid half of their life points. Justin special summoned his Pyramid Turtle in attack mode and removed Plaguespreader Zombie from game. Turtle attacked into Damien’s Ryko, then he set one card to end his turn.

Damien switched his Sangan to defense mode and ended his turn.

The score was Damien’s 4000 to Justin’s 2400.

Justin attacked Sangan with Pyramid Turtle. Sangan’s effect added Honest to his hand.

Damien activated Cold Wave. Justin responded by flipping Book of Moon to turn his Pyramid Turtle facedown. Damien chained his facedown Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy Skill Drain. Damien then set one monster to end his turn.

Justin drew and ended his turn.

Damien flipped his Honest. Honest attacked into Justin’s set Turtle. During his second main phase, he activated Honest’s effect to send him back into owner’s hand. Fabled Gallabas was summoned, Damien declared turn player priority and discarded Hand Destruction to target Justin’s Pyramid Turtle, and Justin flipped Bottomless Trap Hole. Damien then activated Prohibition to declare Book of Life to end his turn.
Justin summoned Pyramid Turtle and attacked directly. Then he set two cards to his spell and trap zone to end his turn.

Damien set one monster and one set card to end his turn.

Justin set one card, and turn his Turtle to defense mode.

Damien ended.

Justin ended.

Damien set a monster to end his turn.

Justin set one card to end his turn.

Damien ended.

Justin ended.

Damien set a monster to end his turn.

Justin ended.

Damien ended.

Justin set a monster to end his turn.

Damien flipped up his Necro Gardna. Then he summoned Fabled Kushano in attack mode. Justin flipped Book of Moon to turn Kushano facedown.

Justin activated Giant Trunade to send back all the spell and trap cards on the field. Justin summoned Zombie Master. Burial from a Different Dimension was activated to send Damien’s Plaguespreader Zombie back to his graveyard. Zombie Master’s effect activated; sending Despair from the Dark to special summon Damien’s Plaguespreader Zombie. Plaguespreader was tuned to Zombie Master to synchro summon Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier. Justin discarded Torrential Tribute to send Damien’s facedown monster. Bottomless Trap Hole was discarded for another facedown monster, Smashing Ground was discarded for Necro Gardna, and Compulsary Evacuation Device for the last facedown monster. Pyramid Turtle was switched to attack mode, and it attacked directly. Damien took the attack and special summoned Gorz, Emissary of Darkness. Its effect special summoned an Emissary of Darkness token. Brionac attacked into the token. Justin then set one card to end his turn.

Damien’s Gorz attacked Brionac, Justin flipped Mirror Force, destroying Gorz. Damien then activated Monster Reborn; targeting Sangan, but Justin sent D. D. Crow from his hand to the graveyard to remove Sangan from play. Honest was summoned, and Damien put a card from his hand to the top of his deck to special Plaguespreader Zombie. Plaguespreader was tuned to Honest to synchro summon Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier. Brionac’s effect was activated, discarding Necro Gardna to send back Justin’s Brionac. Fabled Krus was discarded for Pyramid Turtle. Fabled Gallabras was discarded for Justin’s set card. Damien declared an attack, when he was told that he already declared an attack. Damien then set one card, and activated Prohibtion to declare Dark Hole.

Justin summoned Pyramid Turtle. Turtle attacked into Brionac; destroying itself and Damien sent Skull Meister from his hand to negate Turtle’s effect. Justin conceded the game.

Both players are siding again and Justin will be starting the last game of this match.

Justin set a monster, followed by one set card to end his turn.

Damien set two cards to his spell and trap zone, then set a monster to end his turn. Justin flipped Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy Damien’s set Trap Stun.

Justin set a monster, followed by a set card to end his turn.

Damien flipped his Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter. Its effect targeted Justin’s set monster. Justin’s set Goblin Zombie was destroyed and Ryko’s effect sent Cold Wave, Hand Destruction, and Plaguespreader Zombie from his deck to the graveyard. Goblin Zombie’s effect added Mezuki to Justin’s hand. Fabled Rubyruda was summoned in attack mode. Fabled Grimro was sent to the graveyard from his hand to add Fabled Krus to his hand. Rubyruda was tuned to Ryko to synchro summon Brionac,Dragon of the Ice Barrier. Brionac’s effect was activated, discarding Krus to send Justin’s monster back to his hand. Krus’s effect special summoned Rubyruda to the field from his graveyard. Another Krus was discarded to send back a set back to Justin’s hand. Krus’s effect special summoned Fabled Grimro in attack mode. Rubyruda attacked directly, followed by Grimo, then Brionac. Damien tuned Grimo to Rubyruda to synchro summon Stardust Dragon.

The score was Damien’s 8000 to Justin’s 2900.

Justin activated Giant Truande to send back all the spell and trap cards on the field. Justin summoned Goblin Zombie, then activated Monster Reborn to special summon Damien’s Plaguespreader Zombie. Plaguespread was tuned to Goblin Zombie to synchro summon Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier. Goblin Zombie’s effect added Zombie Master to Justin’s hand. Brionac’s effect activated; discarding Mezuki to sent back Damien’s Brioanc, and Zombie Master was discarded to send back Stardust Dragon. Justin removed Mezuki to special summon his Zombie Master. Zombie Master’s effect was activated; sendig Pyramid Turtle to special summon Damien’s Plaguespreader Zombie in attack mode. Plaguespreader made a direct attack, followed by Zombie Master, and Brionac. Justin tuned Plaguespreader Zombie to Brionac to synchro summon Stardust Dragon. Justin then set one card to end his turn.

Damien set one card to end his turn.

Justin flipped his set Cold Wave. Justin then sent Pyramid Turtle from his hand to special summon Damien’s Plaguespreader Zombie. Plaguespreader was tuned to Zombie Master to synchro summon Goyo Guardian. Goyo attacked directly and Damien special summon Battle Fader. Justin ended his turn.
Damien drew and conceded the game.

Justin defeats Damien 2-1!

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